
来源:长沙之窗 发表时间:2019-9-28 16:21:58


道光通宝收藏价值是有的,道光通宝楷书折二背宝泉局 宣宗道光年间铸。形制同嘉庆钱,面文楷书,直读;背满文记局名:泉源直苏南昌武川浙福晋陕广桂云东黔,伊犁,阿克苏,库车,宝新。道光钱制作粗糙,大小不一,轻重悬殊,一般径2.2--2.4厘米,重2.5--3.6克,清廷由于入不敷出,新疆阿克苏,库车,宝新三局始铸虚值析五,当十钱,亦是清钱虚值钱之始。

The value of Daoguang Tongbao collection is there. Daoguang Tongbao's book is folded and the second back of the Baoquan Bureau is Xuanzong Daoguang. Formed with Jiaqing money, face letter, direct reading; back full of Wenshu Bureau name: Quanyuan Zhisu Nanchang Wuchuan Zhefu Jinshan Guangui Guiyun Dongyu, Yili, Aksu, Kuche, Baoxin. Daoguang money is rough, varies in size, and is very different in weight. The general diameter is 2.2--2.4 cm, and the weight is 2.5--3.6 grams. The Qing court can't make ends meet, Xinjiang Aksu, Kuqa, Baoxin three bureaus cast the virtual value analysis five, when Ten money is also the beginning of the money. There are few rare things handed down.


Daoguang was the year of the Qing Xuanzong. During the reign of Daoguang, the 1840 Opium War, which shocked China and foreign countries, broke out. Daoguangtongbao was cast in this historical background. Daoguang Tongbao continued the tradition of the Qing Emperor, an emperor with a year of coins. In recent years, Daoguang Tongbao has gradually been recognized by everyone, and the price of Daoguang Tongbao has also received more and more attention.


Daoguang Tongbao is the ancient currency of the square round hole. The upper and lower channels are directly read by the right and left. The Daoguang Tongbao is the same in appearance and the characteristics of Jiaqing's coins. The difference is that the Xinjiang Intercontinental and Kuqa began to cast five folds and ten yuan for the lack of brass. This is the origin of the imaginary value of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Daoguang Tongbao cast by the provinces had relatively low behavior, and the production was rough, and there was also the existence of private casting. Therefore, the difference in size was large, and the weight was also great. Daoguang Tongbao's money path is generally 2.2-2.4 cm and weighs 2.5-3.6 grams. The four words of Qian Wen's "Dao Guang Tong Bao" are written in the script, and the back of the money is the Manchu with twenty treasures.



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